Lima Company is doing its part to keep our roads safe

Lima Company Lima Cares

On Monday April 30th, 2018, Lima Company held a company wide seminar on Defensive Driving.  The seminar was held at the Holiday Inn/Bensalem and a buffet dinner was provided.

With the amount for geography we cover in the course of our business travels, it is important to keep driving safety in mind.  It is vital to the safely of our employees as well as everyone else on the roads and walkways.

It is easy to understand why using a hand-held phone is a problem: in addition to having your eye of the road, with one hand on the wheel it is harder to navigate bends and respond to hazards. For many people, this is the obvious reason why hand-held calls are banned while driving.

But there is another problem: the act of conversation itself is a distraction. If the level of difficulty on the road demands a certain amount of driver concentration (or “cognitive processing”), but the complexity of the conversation also requires a depth of thought, then both activities will compete for a finite amount of cognitive resources. We cannot attend to everything in the world at the same time, so we must prioritize some stimuli over others. In simple terms, we only have so much brain.  If we prioritize a conversation over road safety, then we risk a crash.

Lima Company has made it policy that Cell Phone use is prohibited in company vehicles while under way.  Employees reviewed and signed the policy after attending the seminar.  Also, the company had stickers made for all vehicles to remind drivers of the cell phone policy.

In addition, Lima Company purchased Visor Frames for all employees and an extra supply for clients as well.  These frames read “My Reasons for Not Texting & Talking While Driving”.  These live on your vehicles Sun Visor as a heartfelt reminder.

If you would like one of these, please email us at! It would be our pleasure to send you one!